Selasa, 15 Maret 2016


I hate for reading a book. I don’t know why. I never read a book till the end except lesson book. In whole of my life, I read a novel till the end just once. I read that novel for a week; even it’s just 232 pages. It’s not bad for the beginner, right? The title is ‘Secangkir Kasih Sayang yang Penuh Cinta”. That novel was given by my female friend, so you know why the title is melancholic.

I always try hard to start loving reading book. So I bought and borrow many books and novels to read. When I start to read, it’s easy to get bored. So I close the books and put them on my table. So the record is not broken, I still just once to read the book or novel till the end. Three weeks ago, I met Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, former president of Indonesia in a discussion. For merchandise, the guest, include me, got 4 books and 1 CD for each person. You can guess what happen with the books right now. Right, they beautifully become my collection only in my table. I have a behavior for my books; I always sign my name in front of the cover and give smiling emoticon in back the cover.

I think it would be a great idea if you want to give me a girlfriend who can persuade me to start loving reading book. Beside the girl is pretty actually.  
